Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Juno Books widget update

Here's a no-countdown version of the widget I posted here.

The directions for use are almost the same. A few differences: you can include a blurb in this version and this one uses the cover images from This one's also a little narrower (180 pixels wide) so it can be used sidebars all over the Web.

1. Download the widget code here. (Right-click, Save Target As...)

2. Open the file up and change the book and link information to your own.

3. Save it someplace on the Web, someplace you can get to it from a web browser (For example, here on FBTO).

4. Change the "src=" link in the following IFrame code to the file you saved in Step 3, and place the IFram code in your blog, web page, anywhere, pass it around to all your blogging friends, readers, fans.

Here's the IFrame code:

<iframe scrolling="no" style="width:180px;height:322px;" frameborder="0" src="" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe>

Here's an example with Wind Follower:

Please post a comment here with questions--if you need help getting your book information, help with placing the widget code somewhere on the web. You can also email me with questions:


Carole McDonnell said...

Thanks so much, Chris! This looks pretty simple. Now you HAVE to make a Seaborn widget so I can add it to my blogs. -C

Chris Howard said...

Hi Carole! As soon as I get a cover, you will the first to get one from me.